Islamic Republic of Iran confronts the Green Party of Iran


In response to the recent formation of the Green Party of Iran, the Islamic Republic of Iran has formed a phony party under the green name.

The IRNA, the government controlled news agency of Iran, announced on Tuesday October 12th that a green party has been formed in Iran, having as its main objects, the improvement of the youth’s Islamic identity, the creation of an Islamic utopia based on Islamic ideals, and lastly, the protection of environment. Also, the IRNA broadcast news announced that this new green party’s activities would follow the Islamic Republic’s constitutional rules and regulations.

The Green Party of Iran believes that the formation of a government controlled green party is a deceptive move by the regime – a move against the legitimate needs and demands of the Iranian people for the protection of their environment. The Green Party of Iran, in close contact with Iranians and with Green and progressive parties throughout the world, has stated its position in its platform and promises to make a great effort to promote the environmental, democratic, and humanistic demands of the Iranian people.

The Green Party of Iran
October 12, 1999